Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Stansfield Reunion Song

DAD AND MOM ARE ON THERE WAY TO THE REUNION!!! we are so excited to see them!

The Stansfield Reunion Song...This is HALF of a song that I wrote a while ago. If you want to finish it or add suggestions let me know.

To the Tune of Big Jim (kinda):

Well, it took the Lord Six days for him to create the Earth,
Then he sat back to relax and see what it was worth,
He thought and thought and realized it needed one correction;
He whipped up a batter of the finest matter and the Stansfields were his invention.

The first born was Mindy, the Leader of the pack.
Then came Matt with ball and bat headed to the rack,
Next is Nate, 2028, he should run in that election,
And Danny boy, to his joy, somehow survived Natural Selection.
The last boy Thom,with PC and Rom, will one day be rolling in the dough,
An Molly Brooke, the little crook shows how the princess steals the show.

(Chorus) I don't have tune in mind yet

Well, what in the sam hill these stansfields don't stand still,
They been busy' since their birth,
When the Hall of Presidents see Stansfields as residence,
We will finally realize our worth.

Well all of us are Stansfields, even Tanuvasas and the Kochs,
Sarens with us and Reeds a must for they are our kin folks,
Black hair on Sas Head, Jamie's is red, and the blonde of Lindsay Lou.... (that is all I have for now)

I had a line for mom and dad and everyone but i lost it.

If you have more suggestions or lines let me know!! Post!!!! If you hate it or love it let me know

Here is some cute pictures of
lindsay as a liitle girl:


Lindsay said...

Cute song babe! You'll have to sing it to be cause I'm not quite sure how the song goes. Hope we can find the rest of what you wrote, I'm sure it's around here somewhere!

Mindy Koch said...

Danny, cute lyrics. So funny. How do you come up with this stuff?? And the pictures were an awesome touch.

Seriously. How do you come up with this stuff? You are so talented/funny/clever/superlative adjective/superlative adjective.

I would love to hear you sing it!

dannygard said...

thanks min! That means a lot to me. Yeah i love those pictures too